
Its Capabilities

Simvascular is the only fully open-source software package providing a complete pipeline from medical image data segmentation to patient specific blood flow simulation and analysis.

  • Model construction
  • Manual path identification and segmentation
  • Automatic segmentation using ML
  • Automatic surface model generation
  • Meshing with advanced options (e.g., boundary layer, local refinement)
  • High performance finite element solver for 3D simulations of vascular hemodynamics
  • FSI (Fluid-structure interaction)
  • CMM (Coupled momentum method)
  • ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian Method)
  • Navier-Stokes equations with fixed arterial wall
  • High performance finite element solver cardiac modeling
  • Electrophysiology
  • Active contraction
  • Reduced ordered modeling
  • 0D solver
  • 1D solver
  • Coupling of 0D and 3D models to simulate physiological boundary conditions

Suite of Applications


An interactive application for implementing all components of the image-based pipeline


A parallel computational fluid dynamics (CFD) finite element solver incorporating boundary conditions useful for blood flow simulations


A parallel multi-physics finite element solver, including ALE-based fluid-structure interaction (FSI), designed for computational modeling of the cardiovascular system


A reduced-order solver for the hemodynamics in deformable 1D vascular networks


A reduced-order solver for the hemodynamics in zerodimensional lumped parameter models of vascular networks

Download Simvascular

License Terms


Getting Support

Ask questions and interact with users on our public forum.

View our GitHub repository and suggest new features or report bugs.


SimVascular is an open-source project and we welcome contributions! All development happens in our solvers' GitHub repositories. Please read our Code of Conduct and Contributing Guidelines.



The Vascular Model Repository

What it is

The Vascular Model Repository, a sister project of SimVascular, is a library of computational models of normal and diseased human cardiovascular and pulmonary anatomy and input and output boundary conditions for various physiologic states. Most models in the repository were created with SimVascular.

Its purpose

These models can be used to simulate cardiovascular and pulmonary solid and fluid mechanics and will provide spatially and temporally-resolved benchmark solutions that can be used by academic, government and industry researchers to verify their computational methods. The SimVascular project provides an open source package for simulation to accompany the data provided in the model repository.

Supercomputing Gateway

The SimVascular Supercomputing Gateway provides access to High-Performance Computing (HPC) clusters for running simulations using SimVascular CFD solvers. Simulations benefit from the performance levels that only large-scale HPC systems can offer and typically run an order of magnitude faster than on most workstations.


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Recent News


JUNE 11 - 14, 2024

Takes place in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

MAY 3 - 5, 2023

Takes place in Paris, France

JUNE 4 - 8, 2023

Takes place in Vail, Colorado


Industry Support

The SimVascular team is available to aid industry partners via independent consulting related to medical device design and evaluation as well as implementation of new software features. Our team has experience performing finite element analysis for established and early stage industry partners including catheters, valves, stents, mechanical circulatory assist devices, and novel devices for pediatric cardiology. Please contact Professor Marsden directly at with inquiries.


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