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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CBlockBase class for 0D model components
 CBloodVesselResistor-capacitor-inductor blood vessel with optional stenosis
 CBloodVesselJunctionJunction between blood vessels
 CChamberElastanceInductorCardiac chamber with elastance and inductor
 CClosedLoopCoronaryBCClosed loop coronary boundary condition which is connected to other blocks on both sides and the intramyocardial pressure is specified by the pressure in a heart block (not as a parameter)
 CClosedLoopCoronaryLeftBCLeft side of closed loop coronary boundary condition ClosedLoopCoronaryBC
 CClosedLoopCoronaryRightBCRight side of closed loop coronary boundary condition ClosedLoopCoronaryBC
 CClosedLoopHeartPulmonaryHeart and pulmonary circulation model
 CClosedLoopRCRBCClosed-loop RCR boundary condition
 CDOFHandlerDegree-of-freedom handler
 CFlowReferenceBCFlow reference boundary condition
 CInputParameterHandles the properties of input parameters
 CIntegratorGeneralized-alpha integrator
 CJsonWrapperWrapper class for nlohmann:json with error checking
 CLevenbergMarquardtOptimizerLevenberg-Marquardt optimization class
 CModelModel of 0D elements
 COpenLoopCoronaryBCOpen loop coronary boundary condition based on [3]
 CParameterModel Parameter
 CPressureReferenceBCPressure reference boundary condition
 CResistanceBCResistance boundary condition
 CSimulationParametersSimulation parameters
 CSolverClass for running 0D simulations
 CSolverInterfaceInterface class for calling svZeroD from external programs
 CSparseSystemSparse system
 CStateState of the system
 CTripletsContributionsThe number of triplets that the element contributes to the global system
 CValveTanhValve (tanh) block
 CWindkesselBCWindkessel RCR boundary condition